Our Services
- Program Evaluation and Consulting
- On-Site Coaching and Supporting Content-Focused ELL Coaches
- Professional Learning Workshop Offerings

“Because we know that about 12 percent of America’s schools produce 50 percent of America’s dropouts, we’re going to focus on helping states and school districts turn around their 5,000 lowest-performing schools in the next five years…”
– President Obama
Program Evaluation and Consulting
- On-site programmatic evaluation; Developing Effective Service Programs for ELLs
On-Site Coaching and Supporting Content-Focused ELL Coaches
Professional Learning Workshop Offerings
- No More Fill in the Blanks, Creating a Culturally Responsive Learning Enviornment
- Serving Newcomers and Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education; Focus on Cross-curricular productive language development
- MTSS or RTI; Multi-tiered Sytstems of Support/ Response to Instruction for English Language Learners
- Cross Curricular Connections for ELLs
- Close Reading & English Language Development (This workshop will define close reading strategies and incorporate resources to support English Language Learners access content-specific complex text. Participants will learn sheltering strategies to support both productive and receptive language development on complex topics. Participants will work to develop text-depending questions, identify cross-curricular connections in a unit of study and how to build meaningful academic conversations)
- WIDA Workshops